Saturday, 15 January 2011

Mother Earth...

I've been thinking of all the catastrophes happening in the world, of all the disasters killing so many people and leaving so many with a bad experience about what have happened.Humans are said to be the most intelligent of the specimens, I agree with this theory but disagree at the same time. If we are supposed to be the smartest, why did we not realise that all we are doing is wrong and selfish? We kill animals for our own sake, we eat more animals than we should, we test chemical products in animals, we made them suffer, we cut down trees for making paper to be able to register information to learn more and more. It is a shame but we cannot see the difference from before to now.

Catastrophes are happening now and we cannot fight against the power and will of nature. So Much Intelligence has been given to us, but the intelligence to stop destroying for our very own has not yet been idealized so nature is taking action itself and unfortunately as we punish all its 'children' it is also punishing us, as in we kill each other, the nature also self-destructs when attacking us until there is almost nothing left is when this old saying fits the situation perfectly : "Unfortunately we only learn after feel the pain of loss, therefore,  just after that, is when we know how to give things its proper value."  Mother earth is angry and is not measuring whom, where and how it will attack or what consequences it might cause, she is just retaliating all we have been doing to her, and all we have done has not being measured and even thought before either and what we are suffering from its anger is well deserved : ' We reap tomorrow what we plant today ' .
In the old ages everything was equal and the nature could control the humans that crossed the lines, animals were not scared of humans (it used to be the opposite) but nowadays they are about to lose their own habitat because of us and it is because of us that some of them are getting in extinction, suffering biological mutation and leaving in a cage like they are nothing but either an attractive decoration for our house or a forced biological machine of production like the chickens that are forced to survive between millions all together in an obscure and damp shed eating hormone and being forced to grow as quick as possible just to get in our table every day and the biggest culprit are us, it does not only happen with chickens but genuinely all the edible animals nowadays. Not only talking about the 'normal' us but the most of the 'intelligent' of  us : The scientists.
Scientists are using undefended animals such as rabbits and even cats to try beauty products on them, there are so many cases where they keep on suffering for long because the scientists want to study the chemical reaction of different allergic stages and they end up dying after all this suffering, but I still insisting on saying that the culprits are us.

We need to wake up and see that like this we are driving ourselves to the worst end, cutting down the trees and not replacing them is insane, but no, not for most of us because once again we did not realise the size of  mistakes that are being made, we are killing ourselves with our eyes open  and even laughing, again INSANE. Nobody needs to be a scientist to know that the trees give us oxygen and without them we die, it is simpler to plant a tree than cut it down so, why after cutting it down they do not plant one to keep us alive? They maybe think that there are a lot of more trees out there to make us alive, but do they not think that those trees are not like us to reproduce? Vegetables and fruits are also being suffering biological changes they are smaller, seedless, bigger, less taste and full of chemical and preservatives, being modified to adapt to our necessity. To be more specific everything is being modified for us and our necessity, ecological parks are being interrupted for the construction of motorways, rivers being diverted from its natural route, machines being created to facilitate our lives and harm our mother earth and worsen the situation of global warming.

Several changes need to be done, as soon we start as better is to recovery from the damages caused. I know we cannot do it from day to night but we can do our part and call the world to enjoy with us. We are young and we are the future of the world let's start moving, let's spread it from north to south, east to west and vice versa. I'm not asking to be a vegetarian or stop wearing beauty products all I am asking is to eat less meat and more vegetables, free range chickens, no preservative products,when buying beauty products check whether it was tested in animals, use less energy, recycle, read the product before you buy it to see whether it cause problems to the Ozone layer, read more about ecosystem and earth itself and we will get there eventually. Loving the world is to love you.

Bianca do Amaral

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